
Apply for our support


Apply for Our Support


Propulsion works with partners, companies, donors, organizations, and individuals who foster social innovation that creates more dynamic, equitable, and prosperous communities. 

Propulsion prefers to support more than one project per year, and the maximum amount of a total annual Propulsion fund is $50,000. 

Are you eligible?

If your proposal has the potential to make social change and create innovative solutions to the needs and problems of society or is aiming to improve the cooperation of the for-profit, non-profit sectors, and individuals in order to create powerful solutions to address social needs and problems, let us know and we will do our best to provide the support. 

Before you submit a project proposal, we ask you to ensure that you meet all our criteria:

  • Are you an organization or institution?
  • Do you work from a social impact perspective?
  • Is your organization or institution led by the community you serve?
  • Do you have the promotion of human rights and/or social impact as a primary mission, and not just as the focus of part of your programs?
  • Does your group’s work push for structural and fundamental change?
  • Does the work you do focus on issues that are under-addressed and/or contested?


Propulsion does not support: 

  • Groups whose mission and/or primary focus is not the promotion of social impact;
  • Groups that actively seek to deny the human rights of any social groups;
  • Groups led by, or structurally or economically dependent on political parties, government agencies, or religious institutions;
  • Stand-alone travel grants (costs for travel can, however, be part of broader applications provided they are consistent with the group’s mission and strategies);
  • Is commercial in nature;
  • Duplicate of an already existing project.


Do you share our principles of work?

Propulsion values listed principles, and we expect our partners to commit to valuing the same principles:

  • Respecting the Law;
  • The integrity of recording and reporting financial results, including: 
    • Co-financing principle – If the scale of your initiative is larger than our support we are supporting your efforts for co-financing and  Propulsion will finance your project respectfully scaling participation of other supporters;
    • No double financing rule – This means that you can only use the money for the purpose you have promised to use in your application.  Combining the Propulsion grant with other funding programs and state aid is possible, but the funding should not overlap. 
  • Respect for Human Rights;
  • Quality Delivery
  • Ethical Competition
  • Respect for Diversity;
  • Avoiding Conflicts of Interest;
  • Protection of Personal Information.

How to apply?

Language of application 

The application can be submitted in English or BCMS languages.

The application requires and must include the following items:

  • Proposal Narrative
    The Proposal Narrative template is available here.
  • Budget Proposal
    This is the financial description of the project you would like to be supported and should correspond to the activities in the Proposal Narrative.  The Budget Proposal template is available here.
  • Registration Documents
    Please include your Certificate of Registration or other documentation showing the legal status of your organization or institution. If you’re not registered, please include an explanation (in the transmittal email) as to why your organization is not registered and the status of any pending applications for registration.All registration documents should be uploaded and accompanied with the Proposal Narrative and the Budget Proposal in PDF format.

You can submit your application and/or ask for more information about the granting process and/or ask for consultations via email: grants@propulsion.one.

Every Application received by email will be sent a reply email acknowledging the reception of the Application.

Submissions that do not meet the above application requirements will be considered technically ineligible and will not be considered for funding.

How and when applications are being reviewed?

You may submit your proposals, during an annual window, while the decision on the support will be made bi-monthly. 

The grants review committee will evaluate all eligible applications. 

You may be asked to submit additional information and/or a revised budget. Propulsion may partly support your proposal depending on the availability of funding.

Each application will be evaluated and rated on the basis of the evaluation of the next criteria:

  • complete project proposal that meets application requirements;
  • quality of the project proposal;
  • potential for multiplier effects and sustainability;
  • costs are reasonable and realistic in relation to the proposed activities and anticipated results.

Redress procedure

The redress procedure shall uphold the principles of transparency and equal treatment. Redress shall apply to the context of evaluation only and shall be submitted maximally two weeks after the received decision letter.

The official letter providing information on the assumed shortcomings in the handling of the proposal, that jeopardized the outcome of the evaluation process, shell be submitted to the grants@propulsion.one with the subject “(name of the applicant) – Redress procedure”

Under the responsibility of the Propulsion, an internal evaluation review committee (“redress committee”) will then be convened to examine those cases that have been submitted.

To be considered eligible for the redress procedure, a complaint must be:

  • Received before the deadline specified;
  • Submitted using the method described and containing the description of the grounds for complaint;
  • Sent by the contact person representing the applicant;
  • Related to the evaluation process or the eligibility check of a particular proposal.


Good luck!