Un’anima, una fabbrica

Un’anima, una fabbrica
With the overall objective of the Reggio Terzo Mondo‘s project being to get breeding, processing, retailing and marketing practices applied in the meat sector closer to EU standards, and to support the development of the whole pork chain in the Region West by the valorization of cooperative production and traditional knowledge of rural minority women, Propulsion Fund was in charge of devising and creating a full-bred, although short documentary that would show the success and importance of the project from various perspectives, having personal stories of women gathered in EVA as the main storytelling channel.
Narration was constructed from the parts of interviews with stakeholders and partners, but primarily trough the stories of women and strong appealing images of their work and success. This brought the emotional perspective and guarantee that the film will be interesting for the general public. The film was recorded in 4K resolution and transformed to a full HD resolution, with movie equipment, using various lenses and sliding camera devices in order to get a high quality, clear, but also artistic motion picture style and achieve standards of Fund’s award-winning production.